“I’ve Been Having Crazy Dreams Lately…”
May 5th, 2020
This series is a recreation of scenes in dreams I’ve been having during this period of quarantine. People all over the world are talking about the crazy places their mind is taking them when they go to sleep, a commonality of us all. However, the way my own dreams have changed are not specifically crazy, it’s the first time I recall being in a series of places completely alone. Based on the isolation and limited freedom that is brought to us by these trying times, I wanted to capture my subject as if it were myself. Here, I am taking my first shot at styling what’s in my head and trying to make “fashion” more personal. These scenes are ones I can only imagine sharing with another in my perfect world, but I have found “myself” having to accept being alone. And in accepting that, learning to enjoy it. As I initially thought of being quarantined as a period of losing my independence, I have created a world in my dreams in which I am on my own and re-discovering what I thought I lost.